Monday, January 30, 2012

Graham our Big Cheese!

Graham is our Big Cheese this week!  His Mom, Dad, Granddad, Nana, and Aunt Amy came this morning to see Graham show his pictures and be the calendar helper!  His Nana read Llama Llama Red Pajama.  They also brought yummy cupcakes for our snack.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Elsa Our Big Cheese!

Elsa was so excited to wear the Big Cheese Crown and take on the responsibilites!  Her mommy and daddy came to read and bring treat and her Nana came too to read and even color pictures with her!  see photos of her special week:

Friday, January 20, 2012

To end Wacky Week we had funny hat and hair day!  Thanks to Kai and family for the fun variety of hats and Ruby and her family for the cool hair gel to create some funky hairdos!  Lori sprayed some of the children's hair with colored hair spray- for those willing to take the leap! 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Pajama Day

It was soooo cold outside making it a perfect day to snuggle up with our jammies for Pajama Day today!
This morning we made pictures of ourselves in our pajamas and described our pj's.  After lunch we grabbed our blankets and stuffed animals and had a slumber party while we watched the movie Ira Sleeps Over.